Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Co-worker K (as opposed to my co-conspirator K) shares my and the web manager's small one-room office. She signed up for an online winter session class for her graduate program. We were regaled with the particulars of her decision-making and registration process, her struggle to gain approval from her program director, her satisfaction at gaining said approval, her relief that the class would count towards her degree, her immense contentment at the prospect of completing the coursework while at work, and her excitement about knocking off three credits in two short weeks.

Today is the first day of class. So far we have been treated to: her frustration in trying to locate the online class bulletin board; her joy at finding the site; her concern that, based on the listed readings and discussion topics, the class will be boring; her realization that perhaps she did not have enough of a break between classes; her reservations about posting a forum comment that might alienate her classmates; her relief at posting the comment; her disappointment that her post sounds superficial.

This is only day one. “This class is going to be a pain,” she just said. Sure looks that way…

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