Monday, August 24, 2009

Francis Bacon

Some random thoughts I had last weekend when seeing the paintings in the Francis Bacon exhibit on its last day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The artists who move me are those who manifest my dreams, across time and space, before my conscious eyes.

It was the first time I'd seen his work in person:

1. You will always resist what will change you, but you are still inexorably drawn  
     to it.

2. Henrietta Moraes (1931 - 1998) - what was a girl like that doing with a
    Portuguese surname? I like the word "odalisque."

3. Intentional deformity, the psychological "elephant man."

4. His paintings look like postmodern roadkill, and that's not an insult.

5. Francis Bacon and Francis Bacon

6. Blue Men and "Mad Men."


Paulo Lontro said...

From Bacon - Two Figures (1953)

This is my favorite work of Bacon.
If I win the lottery, this paint will be mine.


paulA neves said...

Aqui a tens!

Paulo Lontro said...


suburban dyke said...

I don't know much about the artist. I know more about the erotic / exotic travel writer and the Elizabethan courtier. I like the new clean layout and encourage your continuing contributions.